Fix: Block editor content width not exactly same as the frontend. Fix: Menu toggle not working when the window is resized. Fix: JS infinite loop causing frontend to not load when the sticky header is enabled and navigation menu does not have any sub-menu items. Fix: JS Error - Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'addEventListener' of undefined at AstraToggleSetup Fix: JS errors from Astra Pro for header-sections addon due to missing JS functions. Fix: JS error appearing in FireFox browser which blocks opening navigation menus. Fix: After changing a font in typography param it would stop previewing next fonts due to a JS error. Fix: Transparent header logo not displayed on tablet screen sizes. Improvement: Correctly move hook `astra_head_bottom` to the very bottom of the tag. Improvement: Gutenberg - Body color not applied in the block editor when boxed layout or contained boxed layout. New: CSS class `ast-left-align-sub-menu` will change the direction navigation menu opens for all submenus. New: Filter to disable automatic logo resizing. Fix: Extra Padding bottom being applied to blog post meta even if it is disabled from post meta. Fix: Block Quote border color issue in Gutenberg back end and front end. Fix: Gutenberg - Container color does not work on pages freshly created. Fix: Upload New Theme button not working when Astra Theme is activated.

New: Native AMP support from Astra Theme and Astra Pro. Fix: Margin from the title meta was removed if only the title is enabled from customizer. Fix: Extra `>` being displayed in the footer widget area. Fix: Possible fatal error for some users if Ultimate Addons for Gutenberg is also activated.